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Research Information Services

Information Resource Center

Information Resource Center  (Photo: AIT Images)

Information Resource Center (Photo: AIT Images)

The Information Resource Center (IRC) provides an extensive open-stack collection of current materials about the United States. Most of the materials in the collection cover the U.S. society and culture, history, arts and literature, economics, education, government and politics.

The IRC also provides information electronically via the Internet at the following websites:

Library Services


Reference Service:

Our reference librarians can assist you in responding to your inquiries about the U.S.  For reference inquiries, please contact us by phone at (02) 2723-3959, by e-mail:, or ask your question via the online reference form on our website.

Electronic Publications:

We provide timely information on key topics via the internet. Our electronic publications include:



American Classrooms and Library Orientation:

American Classrooms are designed specifically for university and high school students and are conducted at the American Center or at the requesting school.  Please click here for more details.

Orientation tours are conducted by our staff. Please call in advance to schedule a special orientation program for groups.


Information Resource Center (Photo: AIT Images)

Information Resource Center (Photo: AIT Images)

The Library maintains a collection of approximately 4,000 volumes of interdisciplinary reference books, subscriptions to 46 specialized periodicals and three American newspapers, 700 videos/DVDs, and has access to several online databases which focus on U.S. policy, international relations, economics and American society.  The online catalog can be accessed at

Service Hours

The Information Resource Center is open to the public.  If you have any question, please contact us by phone at (02) 2723-3959, or by email:

Our Service Hours: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, except for Taiwan/US holidays. Please visit AIT Holidays webpage for details.

Please click here for the library regulations.


Information Resource Center  (Photo: Google Maps)

Information Resource Center (Photo: Google Maps)

Information Resource Center
Address: Room 2101, International Trade Building
21F., #333, Keelung Road, Section 1, Taipei (Google Maps)
Tel: (02) 2723-3959
Fax: (02) 2725-2644





American Corners and American Shelves

The Information Resource Center supports the following American Corners and American Shelves, please follow the links to learn more:

American Corners

American Shelves

Virtual AIT World

  • Virtual AIT World - Share with you our programs and exhibits online

Featured Web Sites

Related Links

  • FOCUS: Article Alert

    A monthly collection of important documents in U.S.-Taiwan relations and other recent information from the U.S. about the environment, economy, arts, society, culture, and government.

  • Electronic Information Service (EIS)

    Articles and abstracts with the U.S. Government perspective on current issues, including: Democracy Issues, Global Issues, Economics and Trade, U.S. Politics, Society and Culture, U.S. Foreign Policy and International Relations, Environment and Energy.