The Kaohsiung Branch Office communicates U.S. policy views and demonstrates AIT′s commitment to maintain and strengthen ties between the American people and the people of southern Taiwan. AIT/K provides services to the residents of nine local jurisdictions in southern Taiwan: Chiayi City and County, Tainan City and County, Kaohsiung City and County, Pingtung County, Taitung County, and Penghu County.
AIT's Washington headquarters (AIT/W) are located in Arlington, Virginia. The office serves as a liaison with its counterpart organization, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) as well as with U.S. government agencies.
The Commercial Section assists U.S. exporters by arranging appointments with potential local business partners or relevant authorities, providing information on the Taiwan market for U.S. goods and services, and maintaining an on-line directory of U.S. suppliers for use by local importers. Website »
The Agricultural Affairs Section represents U.S. agricultural interests on Taiwan with the goal of increasing Taiwan′s agricultural imports from the United States. The section′s responsibilities are to:
1. analyze and report on Taiwan′s agricultural production, demand for agricultural commodities and products, market opportunities, and the nature of competition from other suppliers;
2. reduce tariff and non-tariff barriers on U.S. agricultural exports to Taiwan; and
3. advise and support USDA and the private U.S. agricultural sector regarding market conditions, market development strategies, and the evaluation of market development activities and campaigns.
The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) office works to enhance both the United States and Taiwan ability to buy and sell agricultural products between each other and in the international marketplace. APHIS uses state of the art technology to keep up with trends in agriculture and international trade, and ensures that new trade opportunities benefit the United States and Taiwan without creating new threats from harmful exotic pests and diseases.