eJournal USA: Society & Values


Haley Joel Osment

今日美國人: 種族、民族和文化 The United States in 2005: Who We Are Today

About This Issue
The American Identity
The Changing Face of America
Still E Pluribus Unum? Yes
The Immigration Debate
A Valley in California
A Town in West Virginia
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The Art Of Acting

MR. OSMENT: The best part of acting, I think, is making that transformation into another person. That's really what is the essence of acting, is believing that you are someone who you are not.

And that's why I enjoy it so much, that it's great to be able to feel on the set and just create an alternate reality. And the more that you work on films and the more that you have experience working with other actors, the quicker and the, I guess, more honestly you can create a character.

And that's what you sort of work on your whole life as an actor, and just every time you work on a film, you work towards creating a more honest depiction of the character and believing more that you are the character. And that's just why I enjoy this so much, is that process.

今日美國人: 種族、民族和文化 The United States in 2005: Who We Are Today