Hanson, Fergus.
Introduction from Baked In and Wired: eDiplomacy@State.
The Brookings Institution, October 25, 2012, 5 pages.
"eDiplomacy has dramatically changed the
way diplomacy is being conducted. The State Department now
communicates directly with more than 15 million people via
social media—at the push of a button." (From the Brooking
Li, Cheng.
Opportunity Lost?: Inside China's Leadership Transition.
Foreign Policy, November 16, 2012, 9 pages.
"For a country widely seen as the world's
other superpower, we know shockingly little about the
worldviews, values, and socioeconomic policies of the seven men
just named the new leaders of China. Unlike American
politicians, Chinese leaders carry out their campaigns largely
behind closed doors, and they are not chosen by the people."
(From the Brooking Institution)
Mohan, C. Raja.
The New Triangular Diplomacy: India, China and America at
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, November 5, 2012, 3
"The emergence of China and India as naval
powers and the intersection of their maritime policies with
those of the United States are bound to churn the security
politics of the Indo-Pacific for decades to come." (From the
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)
O'Rourke, Ronald.
Summary of Maritime Territorial and Exclusive Economic
Zone (EEZ) Disputes Involving China: Issues for Congress. (CRS Report for Congress)
Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, October 31,
2012, 2 pages.
"This report presents policy and oversight
issues for Congress arising from (1) maritime territorial
disputes involving China in the South China Sea (SCS) and East
China Sea (ECS) and (2) an additional dispute over whether China
has a right under international law to regulate U.S. and other
foreign military activities in its 200-nautical-mile maritime
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)." (From CRS Report)
Siow, Maria Wey-Shen.
Chinese Domestic Debates on Public Diplomacy.
East-West Center, November 15, 2012, 2 pages.
"The importance and utility of favorable
Chinese public diplomacy
outreach have gained greater acceptance and understanding
amongst Chinese ruling elites." (From the East-West Center)
Blumenthal, Dan and others.
Taiwan Inc.: A Home for Global Business.
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy
Research, October 26, 2012,
16 pages.
"With the signing of its economic
cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) with China in the
rearview mirror, Taiwan now has an opportunity to pursue
expanded, speedier economic liberalization. First and
foremost, this will enrich Taiwan and benefit its
people. Second, a more open economy will naturally draw
increased investment from American and other
multinational companies that, in turn, will lead their
respective governments to take a greater interest in
Taiwan’s security and prosperity." (From AEI)
Jackson, James K.
The United States as a Net Debtor Nation: Overview
of the International Investment Position.
(CRS Report for Congress)
Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service,
November 8, 2012, 18 pages.
"Some Members of Congress and some
in the public have expressed concerns about the U.S. net
international investment position because of the role
foreign investors are playing in U.S. capital markets
and the potential for large outflows of income and
services payments." (From CRS Report)
Jackson, James K.
Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: An
Economic Analysis.
(CRS Report for Congress)
Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service,
October 26, 2012, 8 pages.
"Foreign direct investment in the
United States has rebounded slowly after falling from
the $310 billion recorded in 2008, a record surpassed
only by the $320 billion invested in 2000 in U.S.
businesses and real estate." (From CRS Report)
Scissors, Derek.
Chinese Economic Espionage Is Hurting the Case for
Free Trade.
The Heritage Foundation, November 19, 2012, 4 pages.
"Trade and investment with China
benefits the U.S. This is evident in choices made by
individuals and companies every day to buy Chinese goods
and work with Chinese partners. Indeed, American
business has been the chief proponent of a sound
U.S.–China economic relationship. The context makes
intense Chinese economic espionage all the more
regrettable." (From the Heritage Foundation)
Szamosszegi, Andrew.
Executive Summary from an Analysis of Chinese
Investments in the U.S. Economy.
U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission,
October 2012, 4 pages.
"This report details sectoral and
regional patterns of Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI),
economic benefits for the U.S. economy, and U.S.
regulation and oversight." (From the U.S.-China Economic
and Security Review Commission)
Blechman, Barry and Russell Rumbaugh.
A New US Defense Strategy for a New Era: Military
Superiority, Agility, and Efficiency.
Stimson Center, November 15, 2012, 3 pages.
"The report is the work of an independent
task force of experts - the 'Defense Advisory Committee' -
convened by Stimson to explore the question of US defense
planning and spending in light of looming defense cuts that are
part of the Fiscal Cliff. " (From the Stimson Center)
Carter, Nicole T.
Federal Involvement in Flood Response and Flood
Infrastructure Repair: Storm Sandy Recovery.
(CRS Report for Congress)
Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, October 31,
2012, 9 pages.
"A challenge is how to structure federal
actions and programs so they provide incentives to reduce flood
risk without unduly infringing on private property rights or
usurping local decision making. Tackling this challenge would
require adjustments to flood insurance, disaster aid policies
and practices, and programs for structural and nonstructural
flood risk reduction measures and actions." (From CRS Report)
Fischer, Eric A. and Kevin J. Coleman.
Hurricane Sandy and the 2012 Election: Fact Sheet.
(CRS Report for Congress)
Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, October 31,
2012, 5 pages.
"Questions have arisen about what actions
might be taken by the federal government to respond to the
possible impacts of Hurricane Sandy on the November 6 election
in affected states. Since 1860, several federal primary
elections or local elections have been postponed following
catastrophic events, and on at least three occasions in the last
20 years, the federal government has provided funding or
assistance to state or local governments engaged in conducting
such elections." (From CRS Report)
Schneider, Bill.
Analysis of the Election Results.
U.S. Department of State, November 7, 2012, 12 pages.
"It was actually a quite narrow victory.
Barack Obama was reelected with a little over 50 percent of the
vote, which is just about the same vote that reelected George
Bush (sic) in 1984, and Bill Clinton in 1996 got just under 50
percent of the vote. Presidents used to get reelected with huge
majorities – 58, 60 percent – but the last three presidents,
when they ran for reelection, got barely 50 percent of the vote
– 50, 51, 49." (From U.S. Department of State)
Young, William.
Embassy Security: From the Outside In.
RAND, November 15, 2012, 5 pages.
"When deciding to establish a diplomatic
presence in a high-threat area, you need to consider the
importance of the mission and the measures needed to protect
it." (From the RAND)
Zickuhr, Kathryn and others.
Summary from In Digital Age, Young Americans Keep Reading,
In Print and e-Book Forms.
Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, October
23, 2012,
11 pages.
"More than eight-in-ten Americans between
the ages of 16 and 29 read a book in the past year, and six in
ten used their local public library." (From the Pew Research
Center's Internet & American Life Project)
Atlantic Council Counter-Piracy Task Force.
Managing the Global Response to Maritime Piracy.
Atlantic Council, October 26, 2012, 10 pages.
"Modern-day pirates operating off the
coasts of Somalia and West Africa endanger the global economy
and pose a vexing security problem for the United States, its
international allies, and the maritime industry." (From the
Atlantic Council)
"The Atlantic Brave Thinkers 2012."
The Atlantic, November 2012, pp. 49-64.
"The annual guide to the people risking their reputations,
fortunes, and lives in pursuit of big ideas." (From the