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Press Release

AIT's Commercial Section Co-Organizes "American Higher Education & Travel Fair" in Pingtung on March 25, 2008

PR0815E | Date: 2008-03-21

The Commercial Section of the American Institute in Taiwan, Kaohsiung Branch Office (AIT/K) is pleased to be one of the organizers of the 2008 Pingtung American Higher Education & Travel Fair, which will be held on the campus of National Pingtung Institute of Commerce (NPIC), 10:00 am - 4:00 pm on Tuesday, March 25, 2008.   The event has been organized in cooperation with NPIC, American State Offices Association (ASOA), See America Committee (SAC), and the Pingtung County Government Education Bureau.

The event is open to the public, and high school and college students interested in overseas study and travel to the United States are especially encouraged to attend.  In addition to AIT/Kaohsiung's Commercial Section, exhibitors will include representatives of Hawaii, Louisiana, Montana, Maryland, Florida, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Washington, SAC, and ELS Language Center.  During the fair, exhibitors will introduce unique travel destinations and feature more than 100 universities, community colleges and language institutes interested in recruiting southern Taiwan students for both degree and non-degree programs.  Additionally, a representative of AIT/Kaohsiung's Consular Section will deliver a presentation on the student visa application process and respond to questions.

Studying in the United States presents Taiwan students with a unique opportunity to learn under some of the world's leading scholars, refine their English language skills, experience the diversity of American culture and landscapes, and establish cross-cultural friendships.  With more than 3,000 colleges and universities, the Commercial Section encourages southern Taiwan students to explore academic opportunities in the United States. 

For detailed more information regarding this event or studying in the United States, please contact Ms. Daphne Fan at telephone 07/238-7744, ext. 620.