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Press Release

AIT to Hold Photography Contest "Student Photography Across Cultures"

PR0657E | Date: 2006-11-15

In celebration of the rich history of U.S. - Taiwan cultural connections through education exchange, the American Institute in Taiwan is pleased to announce a photography contest titled "Student Photography Across Cultures."  This contest is open to Taiwan students studying in the United States and U.S. students studying in Taiwan.  Photos should capture the student's experience studying in another culture.  Winning photos will be displayed in the public spaces of the AIT consular section.  Winning contestants will be invited to AIT on March 17, 2007 and presented with a commemorative plaque.

Pictures must be taken in 2006 or the first 2 months of 2007.  Hard copies of pictures are due to AIT on Thursday, March 1, 2007.  Photos must be at least 8x10 inches and may be submitted in either color or black and white.  Winning contestants will be asked to send a digital copy of the photograph if possible.  The Consular Section staff will judge the photos based on creativity and ability to capture the spirit of the cultural exchange experience.

These photos will be displayed in poster-sized form to welcome the hundreds of visitors who come to AIT on a daily basis and to showcase continuing close US-Taiwan cultural connections and the mutual benefit of experiencing each other's cultures.

To enter the contest, please send no more than three color or black-and-white prints.  All entries must include the photographer's name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, title or caption of the photograph and name of the school the contestant attends.  Photographs cannot be returned.  Photographers retain all rights to their images except for public display of the photo on AIT's premises and publication on its website.  Photographs should be sent by mail to:

Photo Contest American Institute in Taiwan 7, Lane 134, Hsin Yi Road, Sec. 3 Taipei 10659, Taiwan

For more information, please contact