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Press Release

AIT's New Office Compound in Taipei

PR0630E | Date: 2006-06-23

The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the U.S. (TECRO) reached an agreement on the lease for AIT's new office compound in December 2004.  Since then, AIT has taken several steps to prepare the site for construction, including installing erosion control and landscaping to prevent soil erosion during heavy rains or typhoons, constructing a fence around the perimeter of the property, and completing a geotechnical investigation survey to study the surface and subsurface of the site.

The new office compound project is a high priority for AIT.  Once funding is finalized for the project, we expect construction can be completed in approximately three years.  We are unaware of any other proposals to develop the new office compound site.

AIT continues to work closely with the relevant city authorities concerning our occupancy of the present office compound.