Establishment of Listserv for Information on Iraq
To facilitate the distribution of official documents and other information concerning Iraq, the Bureau of Public Affairs under the U.S. Department of State has established DOSIRAQ, a listserv option added to others on the Department’s Electronic Subscription list.
Individuals can subscribe to this service on line. From the Department’s home page at, select the “Press and Public Affairs” section. First click on “Electronic Subscription Service” (), and then click on DOSIRAQ to find the subscription form.
The Department of State remains dedicated to the timely public release of information, including such material as the Secretary’s remarks, press briefings, press releases, country information, and travel warnings, to inform the public about the conduct of foreign affairs and the state of the world.
Individuals can subscribe to this service on line. From the Department’s home page at
The Department of State remains dedicated to the timely public release of information, including such material as the Secretary’s remarks, press briefings, press releases, country information, and travel warnings, to inform the public about the conduct of foreign affairs and the state of the world.