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Press Release

Departure Statement Former U.S. Congressman Lee Hamilton

PR0017E | Date: 2000-03-24

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen of the media, for joining me today. I would like to make a brief statement that, I believe, will cover all the topics of interest. I do not plan to take any questions.

It has been my great honor to be in Taiwan just a few days after last Saturday's presidential election. I came in a private capacity and leave both impressed with the vitality of your democratic system and also alerted to the challenges that face Taiwan, the United States, and the PRC in preserving peace, stability, and prosperity in this region. I would like to thank President Lee, President-elect Chen, and the others who took time out from their very busy schedule to meet with me. I had very productive discussions with President-elect Chen and his key advisors. I emphasized my admiration for what the people of Taiwan have achieved and my sense of the United States' fundamental interest in the preservation of peace, stability, and prosperity in the Taiwan Strait region. I have been impressed by President-elect Chen's prudent, positive statements on cross-strait relations since the election. After I return to Washington, I will share my views and what I have learned with the President and his senior advisors as well as my friends in Congress.

Let me again congratulate President-elect Chen on his victory and the people of Taiwan.

Thank you and goodbye.