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Remarks by AIT Deputy Director Robert S. Wang at the U.S.A. Go Zone Investment Seminar November 9, 2006

OT0620E | Date: 2006-11-09

Governor Blanco, President Chao, Director General Chiu, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, I am extremely pleased to have an opportunity to say a few words at today's important event to introduce the investment environment of the Louisiana Gulf Region.

I would first like to welcome Governor Blanco and her delegation to Taiwan.  I understand the Governor was originally planning to visit Taiwan last year, but had to cancel her mission due to Hurricane Katrina.  The Governor has led her state through an extremely challenging time.  Hurricane Katrina has been called one of the worst natural disasters in the history of our country.

And in Louisiana's time of need after Katrina, Taiwan warmly demonstrated its friendship by sending two million dollars and medical supplies to help support Katrina relief efforts.  Louisiana and Taiwan have enjoyed strong relations for many years.  Louisiana has had a representative office in Taiwan since 1989 and there are significant Taiwanese business interests in Louisiana.  I would like to recognize Steve Lee, Louisiana's representative in Taiwan, for his cooperation with AIT and outstanding work in furthering relations between Louisiana and Taiwan.

The topic of today's seminar is investment in the Louisiana Gulf Opportunity, or 'GO' Zone.  The GO Zone legislation was enacted by the US Congress and signed by President Bush to create an investment environment that would attract investors to establish commercial operations in the Zone and to help stimulate economic development in the region.

President Bush has said that he is dedicated to ensuring that the Gulf Coast recovers, and becomes even stronger than before.  The rebuilding process will not be easy.  But, with great challenges come great rewards.  And with the investment incentives package implemented under the GO Zone Act, there are great benefits to investing in the Gulf Coast region.

Louisiana is a cultural treasure of our country.  The City of New Orleans in the State of Louisiana is the birthplace of Jazz music, the unique Cajun cuisine, and a unique festival called Mardi Gras.  I encourage you to visit New Orleans to experience its unique attractions and to consider investing there.

I'd like to wish Governor Blanco the best of luck with her challenges ahead and good fortune and health to our friends in Taiwan.

Thank you.