生於: 1901年12月16日
死於: 1978年11月15日
瑪格利特米德 (Margaret
Mead) 26歲時就出版了她的第一本書,這本名為「薩摩亞人的成年」 (Coming
of Age in Samoa) 主要是用來記載南洋薩摩亞人的青少年時期。這本書深受大眾喜愛,因而也使得米德成為最著名的人類學者之一。她也是一位作家並使用社會科學技巧來研究廣泛的主題,如:營養學、孩童發展、種族關係等等。米德相信人類學是用來推行社會變遷及改善世界的工具。
I have spent most of my life studying the lives of other peoples, faraway peoples, so that Americans might better understand themselves.
Margaret Mead was just 26 years old when she published her
first book, ' Coming of Age in Samoa' about adolescence in the South Seas. The book was very popular and Mead became one of the most famous anthropologists of all time. She also was a writer and used social science techniques to study subjects ranging from nutrition, child development, race relations, and beyond. Mead believed that anthropology could be a tool for social change and improving the world.