峇裡島的皮影戲 (Shadow
您聽過哇揚戲 (wayang) 嗎?這是皮影戲的峇裡名,而峇裡島是印尼共和國的其中一個島嶼;1936年時,瑪格利特米德和她的丈夫葛瑞利貝特森 (Gregory
Bateson) 來到峇裡島研究當地的人民及文化。米德相信將所見記錄下來是很重要的一件事,所以她及貝特森拍攝了將近35,000張照片、錄有許多影片及寫下了一頁接一頁的筆記。身處現代社會,我們很習慣看到來自世界各地的東西,但1930年代時,大部分人都沒看過像峇裡這種地方;米德想要跟其他人一起分享的一樣東西就是峇裡人的皮影戲。您曾看過皮影戲嗎?
Have you ever heard of wayang? It's the Balinese name for shadow puppet theater. Bali is one of the islands in the Republic of Indonesia. In 1936 Margaret Mead and her husband, Gregory Bateson, went there to study the people of Bali and their culture. Mead believed it was important to document what she saw, so she and Bateson took lots of photos, around 35,000, shot lots of movies, and wrote pages and pages of notes. Today we're used to seeing things from all over the world, but back in the 1930s most people hadn't seen places like Bali. One of the things that Mead wanted to share with others was Balinese shadow puppet theater. Have you ever seen a shadow puppet?
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