「...熱情...不停的發問;能完整表達自身意見...不是很有條理,但卻願意學習...喜歡勝利的感覺..」愛蜜莉福格米德 (Emily
Fogg Mead) 如此形容她的六歲小女兒瑪格利特米德;愛蜜莉是一位社會學家(研究人類社會的人),當她懷有瑪格利特時,她會隨時記下她的感受及她所做的事,因為她相信這些筆記內容會影響瑪格利特的發展。瑪格利特出生後,愛蜜莉仍繼續作筆記,她足足寫滿13本的筆記本,筆記本中詳細記錄了瑪格利特成長時的點點滴滴。
"...Affectionate...continually asking questions? Expresses herself very well...not orderly but willing to pick up...likes to get the best of people..."
That's how Emily Fogg Mead described her 6-year-old daughter, Margaret Mead. Emily was a sociologist (someone who studies human society). She took notes on how she felt and what she did when she was pregnant with Margaret because she believed it would affect Margaret's development. Emily continued writing after Margaret was born. Emily filled up 13 notebooks with details about what Margaret did and said while she was growing up.
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