瑪格利特學會如何觀察事物並將眼睛看到的東西記錄下來,就像她媽媽懷她的時候所做的事。瑪格利特觀察身邊的每件事,如:大自然。但她對人特別感興趣。瑪格利特有兩個妹妹:普莉西拉 (Priscilla) 及伊莉莎白 (Elizabeth) ,她的祖母分派給她的功課就是觀察她的兩個妹妹並隨時做筆記。瑪格利特注意到即使還是個嬰孩,她們也各自擁有不同的個性,這兒有一頁瑪格利特的筆記,看起來像是她的小妹妹普莉西拉餓了!
Education was important to the Mead family, but that didn't always mean going to school. Margaret's family thought it was wrong for children to have to sit at desks indoors all day long, so Margaret spent several years at home learning from her grandmother and the rest of the family, both indoors and outdoors.
Margaret learned how to observe things and write down what she saw, just as her mother had done with her. Margaret observed everything around her, including nature, but especially people. Margaret had two younger sisters, Priscilla and Elizabeth. Her grandmother assigned her to watch them and take notes. Margaret noticed that they had different personalities, even when they were babies. Here's a page from Margaret's notes. It sounds like her little sister, Priscilla, is hungry!
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