生於: 1732 年2月22日
死於: 1799年11月14日
人們常將美國的第一任總統喬治華盛頓稱為美國之父。他為人所周知的是深愛著這片土地及農田,但卻厭惡戰爭。他是美國革命時,一名卓越的將軍及殖民地軍隊總司令。他與卡斯蒂斯的遺孀瑪莎克斯逖斯 (Martha
Dandridge Custis) 結婚,住在華盛頓的農園弗農山莊 (Mount
Vernon) 內,這個農場位於維吉尼亞州的波多馬克河 (Potomac
River) 河畔。
The first president of the United States, George Washington, is often referred to as the Father of Our Country. He was known for his love of the land and farming, and his dislike of war. He was a distinguished general and commander in chief of the colonial armies in the American Revolution. He married a widow, Martha Dandridge Custis, and they lived at Mount Vernon, Washington's plantation in Virginia on the Potomac River.