of Independence)
您可能以為喬治華盛頓與其他的大陸議會 (Continental
Congress) 代表,如:湯瑪斯傑弗遜、班傑明富蘭克林及約翰亞當斯會一起置身費城,共同編寫獨立宣言。但是您錯了。1776年7月時,華盛頓與他的軍隊都在紐約,到了7月9日,他才收到他的宣言副本,其上貼了一張來自於約翰漢卡克的留言,留言內容要求華盛頓與軍隊成員分享將此一消息。您能想像軍隊的反應嗎?
You might have thought that George Washington was in Philadelphia with Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and the other delegates of the Continental Congress as they wrote the Declaration of Independence, but he wasn't. In July 1776, Washington was in New York with his troops. On July 9, he received his copy of the Declaration with a note from John Hancock telling Washington to share the news with the troops. Can you imagine how the troops reacted?
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