
battle of the Monongahela),1755年

16歲時,華盛頓即幫忙裴爾費克斯勳爵 (Lord
測量及劃分其所屬土地,裴爾費克斯勳爵的土地分佈在維吉尼亞北部及謝南多厄河谷 (Shenandoah
,佔地超過五百萬英畝。做了幾年的測量工作,他於1754年受任成為中校 (Lieutenant
Colonel) 並參加法印戰爭。1755年時,身任副官並聽命於英國將軍佈雷多克 (Edward
Braddock) 的華盛頓,於7月9日參加了一場位於賓夕法尼亞州、英國想要
攻下杜根 (Fort
Duquesne) 的戰役,而這場戰役改變了他的一生。
At 16, Washington helped survey and plot the lands of Lord Fairfax, who owned more than 5 million acres in northern Virginia and the Shenandoah Valley. After surveying for a few years, he was commissioned a Lieutenant Colonel in 1754 and fought in the French and Indian War. In 1755, he was serving as an aide to British General Edward Braddock at a fateful battle in Pennsylvania on July 9. That day the British made an attempt to capture Fort Duquesne.
George Washington had been sick during most of the month of June but he insisted on joining the battle. The British suffered a terrible defeat that day. Out of 1,459 soldiers, almost 1,000 were killed or wounded. The French and their Indian allies routed the British who were not accustomed to the guerrilla warfare style of combat. General Braddock was killed, and Washington had to help lead the Virginians and British in retreat to safety. Do you think this experience was frightening to the young cavalry officer?
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