

生於: 1858年10月27日,紐約的紐約市
死於: 1919年1月6日,紐約的牡蠣灣 (Oyster
身為美國第26屆總統的希歐多爾羅斯福 (Theodore
Roosevelt) 在晚年時表示:「不論在那一方面,沒有人的生活比我更快樂了」。
他快樂的最大來源之一是他的家庭。這張照片中的人分別為羅斯福、他的第二任妻子伊蒂絲 (Edith) 、他們的五個小孩:希歐多爾二世 (Theodore
Jr.) 、柯密 (Kermit) 、艾瑟兒 (Ethel) 、阿奇 (Archie) 、昆汀 (Quentin) 及羅斯福和他的第一任妻子所生的小孩:愛麗絲 (Alice) 。身為總統,羅斯福負責建造了巴拿馬運河並增加了國家公園和國家森林的數量。他因調停解決日俄戰爭而獲頒諾貝爾和平獎。
Late in his life, Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States, said "No man has had a happier life than I have led. . . a happier life in every way."
One of his greatest sources of happiness was his family. In this picture, you see Roosevelt with his second wife, Edith, and their five children, Theodore Jr., Kermit, Ethel, Archie, and Quentin. Alice, Roosevelt's daughter from his first wife, is also in the picture. As president, Roosevelt was responsible for the construction of the Panama Canal and increasing the number of national parks and national forests. He won the Nobel Peace Prize for mediating the Russo-Japanese War.
