

熊、浣熊、貓、狗、鼠、天竺鼠、蛇及一隻名為阿爾岡京 (Algonquin) 斑點花色的小馬。
When Roosevelt was a young boy he had been sick with asthma. In order to get well he spent a lot of time outdoors building up his strength and learning about animals. Since he loved animals, it was no surprise that his six children loved them too. While the Roosevelt family lived in the White House, the children collected many pets, including a badger, a bear, a raccoon, cats, dogs, rats, guinea pigs, snakes, and a calico pony named Algonquin. During the summers, the children and Mrs. Roosevelt often stayed at their home in Long Island, New York. While they were away from their father, he often sent them letters. Roosevelt wrote one you see here to his son Theodore Jr. who had not yet learned to read. What do you think this letter was about?
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