
(Rough Rider)

羅斯福以其無窮精力而著名。野牛比爾稱呼他為「一陣旋風」,而馬克吐溫則形容他為「一場地震」。羅斯福年輕時,他在位於達科塔地區的自家牧場內當了兩年的牛仔。1898年西班牙及美國開戰時,他組織了一隊名為「莽騎兵」的自願騎兵 (Volunteer
Cavalry:馬背上的軍隊) ;您想羅斯福在這場戰爭中的表現如何?
Roosevelt was known for his endless energy. Buffalo Bill called him "a cyclone" and Mark Twain called him "an earthquake." As a young man he spent two years as a cowboy on his ranch in the Dakota Territory. When Spain and the U.S. went to war in 1898, he organized a Volunteer Cavalry (an army unit on horseback), which was called "the Rough Riders." How do you think Roosevelt did in the war?
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