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Meet Amazing Americans 美國總統 安德魯傑克森 (Andrew Jackson)
1835年東部卻洛奇族(Cherokee) 的地圖 A map of the Eastern Cherokee Nation in 1835
1835年東部卻洛奇族(Cherokee) 的地圖 A map of the Eastern Cherokee Nation in 1835

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從蹄鐵灣(Horseshoe Bend)到「淚水小徑」(Trail of Tears)
From Horseshoe Bend to the Trail of Tears

許多白人希望美洲印地安人從部落居處遷移,而安德魯傑克森總統的想法也和這些人一樣;他於1830年在國會簽署印地安人排除法案(Indian Removal Act),要求許多美洲印地安人放棄原有土地、重新到密西西比河以西的地方尋找住所,一部份的村落順從了這樣的規定,但其他的則拒絕接受。


Many whites wanted Native Americans removed from their tribal lands in the East. They had a friend in President Andrew Jackson. Jackson pushed the Indian Removal Act of 1830 through Congress. This law required that many Native Americans give up their lands in the East and relocate west of the Mississippi River. A number of tribes did so, but others refused.

The Cherokee Indians, in particular, fought in court against the state of Georgia's attempts to take away their lands, and in 1832 the Supreme Court finally ruled in their favor. Georgia did not have authority over the Cherokee lands, the court said. Do you know what happened to the Cherokees?

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