
史考特少將接到的命令、是要求卻洛奇族人往西部移居 Orders given to Army Major General Scott telling him to force the Cherokee to move west

從蹄鐵灣(Horseshoe Bend)到「淚水小徑」(Trail of Tears)
From Horseshoe Bend to the Trail of Tears
喬治亞州不顧最高法院的判決,持續奪取土地的行動,傑克森總統也沒有為法院的判決作任何強力管制,他在任期間拒絕為美洲印地安人的法定權力背書,造成嚴重的後果,在他卸任之後,因為他的政策、軍隊包圍了一萬六千名不願搬遷的卻洛奇族人村落,強迫他們搬到徒步往西遷移到數百英里之外的奧克拉荷馬州,超過四千人在1838-39年期間、死於這條「淚水小徑」(Trail of Tears)上。
Georgia ignored the Supreme Court ruling and continued taking land. President Jackson did nothing to enforce the ruling. His refusal to stand up for the legal rights of these Native Americans during his presidency cost them a great deal. After he left office, but as a result of his policies, the Army rounded up the 16,000 Cherokees who refused to leave their homes and forced them to march hundreds of miles to a new home far to the west, in Oklahoma. Four thousand of them died along this "Trail of Tears" in 1838-39.
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