安德魯傑克森是美國的第七任總統(1829-1837),也是第一位出身貧困家庭的總統,是一戶蘇格蘭 - 愛爾蘭裔移民家庭中、三兄弟裡的老么。他成長於南卡羅萊那州的鄉下地方,十三歲加入軍旅參與獨立戰爭前、就讀的是當地的學校。 在美國獨立戰爭中曾遭英軍俘虜,讓他成為美國歷任總統中唯一在戰時曾入獄為囚的總統;傑克森極具吸引力與魅力,但卻因為脾氣暴躁招引許多危險,其中還包含兩顆留在他體內的子彈;他是首位代表田納西州進入國國會眾議院擔任議員的人、又服務於參議院與田納西高等法院(州內的最高法院)等單位,是一位擁有英勇傳奇故事的將軍、後來成為美國總統。
Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States (1829-1837), was the first to come from poverty. The youngest of three sons of Scotch-Irish immigrants, he grew up in rural South Carolina and attended local schools before leaving school to join the Army at age 13 during the American Revolution. He was in a battle and was later captured by the British, making him the only president to have been a prisoner of war. Jackson was magnetic and charming but with a quick temper that got him into many duels, two of which left bullets in him. He was the first person to represent Tennessee in the U.S. House of Representatives, and he also served in the U.S. Senate and on the Tennessee Superior Court (the state's highest court). He was a heroic Army general before eventually becoming president.
