
獨立宣言委員會 Declaration of Independence Committee

阿比蓋爾亞當斯(Abigail Adams),約翰亞當斯最完美的另一半
阿比蓋爾亞當斯倡導婦女應擁有更大的政治參與權,特別是在離婚、財產擁有權的議題上;阿比蓋爾在1776年以「別忘了女性」(Remember the Ladies)為題致函自己的丈夫和其他建國元老、希冀在成立新國家之際,能在建國架構中就植入重視女性的概念。不過約翰亞當斯在這件事情上沒有聽從太太的意見。您知道為什麼阿比蓋爾亞當斯要寫「別忘了女性」(Remember the Ladies)這封信給自己的丈夫、而不是當面告訴他嗎?
Abigail Adams advocated greater political rights for women, especially regarding divorce and property ownership. Abigail's 1776 "Remember the Ladies" letter asked her husband and the other Founding Fathers to do just that when laying the framework for a new nation. This was one piece of his wife's advice that John Adams didn't follow. Do you know why Abigail Adams wrote the "Remember the Ladies" letter to her husband instead of telling him in person?
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