1735年10月30日(舊曆法計算為10月19日),出生地在麻塞諸塞州布倫特裡市- Braintree(亦即現在的昆西市Quincy)
1826年7月4日、地點也在麻塞諸塞州布倫特裡市- Braintree(亦即現在的昆西市Quincy)
約翰亞當斯在進入政治領域之前,扮演的角色是老師跟律師,他是美國第二位總統,亞當斯的全然政治獨立、聰穎與愛國的熱情,是他最知名的特質。在成為美國首任副總統之前、他是大陸會議(Continental Congress)的領導人,也是重要的外交人物,接著他擔任了一個任期的美國總統、其後在1800年的總統選舉將總統之位拱手讓給湯瑪士傑夫森(Thomas Jefferson),湯瑪士也是約翰亞當斯的長期好友與政治敵手。
約翰亞當斯和太太阿比蓋爾亞當斯(Abigail Adams)共度了54年的歲月,她也是亞當斯最好的夥伴、最需要的夥伴,在他長期離家的期間,協助亞當斯記錄許多美國建國的重要事件;另一位美國總統約翰昆西亞當斯(John Quincy Adams)則是約翰亞當斯夫婦的兒子。您知道美國總統中還有哪些父子檔嗎?
John Adams worked as a teacher and lawyer before dedicating himself to a life of patriotism and politics. He was America's second president. Adams was well known for his extreme political independence, brilliant mind and passionate patriotism. He was a leader in the Continental Congress and an important diplomatic figure, before becoming America's first vice president. Adams then served one term as president but lost the election of 1800 to Thomas Jefferson, his longtime friend and political rival.
Also dear to John Adams was his wife and partner of 54 years, Abigail Adams. She was a gifted intellectual who corresponded with her husband during his long absences from home, chronicling many important events of America's founding. John and Abigail Adams were the parents of another U.S. president, John Quincy Adams. Do you know how many other fathers and their sons have both been president?