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Meet Amazing Americans 美國總統  約翰亞當斯 (John Adams)  
約翰寫給阿比蓋爾的信, 1775 年
約翰寫給阿比蓋爾的信, 1775 年

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阿比蓋爾亞當斯(Abigail Adams),約翰亞當斯最完美的另一半


John Adams spent many weeks, months, and even years away from Abigail and his growing family in Braintree, Massachusetts, first as a lawyer and then as a member of the Continental Congress and as a diplomat abroad. John and Abigail exchanged frequent letters, though, which was the routine form of long distance communication before the telephone (or e-mail!). John considered Abigail his "reporter," and they wrote about issues ranging from everyday life to the weighty work facing John Adams and the other Founding Fathers. Abigail's more than 2,000 letters chronicle her life raising children alone and managing a farm during the Revolutionary War, but she also left behind an important account of the historical events surrounding America's birth as a nation. She was very knowledgeable about history, and was a gifted observer and writer.

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