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See, Hear and Sing 不尋常的樂器 
Cover of sheet music, 'The Whistler and His Dog'

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強伯斯(Clarence Chambers 演奏 "扁平足的憂鬱" 6/11/1939

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吹奏樂器 (Wind Instruments)


樂譜封面上的小男孩正在吹口哨。想吹一口好口哨,您必須要勤加練習。聆聽強伯斯 (Clarence Chambers) 用口哨吹奏「扁平足的憂鬱」 (Flat-foot Blues) ,您能像強伯斯一樣用口哨吹歌嗎?


If you don't have any instruments at all, and you can't make one, you can always whistle. Whistling is a way to use your vocal cords as a musical instrument. Just put your lips together and blow, and you can take that song with you anywhere you go.

That's what the boy on this sheet-music cover is doing. To be a good whistler you need to practice. Listen to Clarence Chambers perform "Flat-foot Blues.".   Can you whistle a song the way Clarence can?

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出處: "The Whistler and His Dog," Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920, Library of Congress.
AUDIO CREDIT: Chambers, Clarence, performer; Lomax, John, and Lomax, Judy, recorded. "Flat-foot Blues." June 11, 1939. Southern Mosaic: The John and Ruby Lomax 1939 Southern States Recording Trip, Library of Congress.