
the Great)的長笛

假如您參加了學校樂團,您也許會演奏喇叭、小提琴或長笛;但您聽過馬林巴琴 (marimba) 、烏德琴 (oud) 或嗩吶 (zurna) 嗎?雖然這些名字聽起來像是異國食譜的原料,但它們是貨真價實的樂器,有些甚至已經存在了好幾百年了。現在我們知道且彈奏的樂器,如:鋼琴、吉他及雙簧管,是由這些古老樂器逐步發展而成的。移居美國的人來自於世界各地,當他們來到美國時,都會帶著他們自己國家的樂器、音樂及一點點原有的文化。
If you were in the school band, you might play the trumpet, the violin, or the flute, but how about the marimba, the oud, or the zurna? Although these may sound like ingredients in an exotic recipe, they are actually musical instruments--some of them hundreds of years old. Many of the instruments we know and play today, like the piano, the guitar, and the oboe, evolved from these older instruments. The instruments came to America with people who emigrated from countries all around the world, bringing music, and a little bit of their culture, with them.
