吹奏樂器 (Wind Instruments)
、唆吶、蘇爾奈或金口角,是一種來自於伊斯蘭地區 (包括伊朗、美索不達米亞及敘利亞) 的樂器。嗩吶很快地就在阿拉伯的佔領地區上風行了起來。剛開始,阿拉伯人將它放在軍中樂隊使用,然後過了不久,他們用它來迎接重要貴賓、宣佈朝聖開始及慶祝其他的重要慶典。今天的嗩吶仍然代表了一種民族樂器,伊斯蘭地區、希臘、塞普勒斯及亞美尼亞主要用它來演奏節慶鄉村音樂。嗩吶的現代版本為雙簧管,而雙簧管是交響樂團的主要樂器。
The zurna, also known as the surna, is an instrument from Islamic areas including Iran, Mesopotamia, and Syria. The popularity of the zurna quickly spread through areas conquered by the Arabs. The Arabs first used it in military bands, and later used it to greet important persons, mark the beginnings of pilgrimages, and in other important ceremonies. Today the zurna still exists as a folk instrument used mainly in festive village music in Islamic areas, as well as Greece, Cyprus, and Armenia. The modern day version of the zurna is the oboe, which is a staple of any symphony orchestra.
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出處: "Joe Bedrosian playing zurna, seated, facing right, half-length portrait, photograph." California Gold: Northern California Folk Music from the Thirties, Collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell, Library of Congress. AUDIO CREDIT: Bedrosian, Joe, performer; Cowell, Sidney Robertson, recorder. "Yankee Doodle." April 24, 1939. California Gold: Northern California Folk Music, Thirties, Library of Congress.