
Robinson) 的封底

傑基‧羅賓森 (Jackie
Robinson) 打破膚色界線
1945年,當布魯克林道奇隊 (Brooklyn
Dodgers) 的總經理瑞奇 (Branch
Rickey) 與傑基‧羅賓森簽署契約並將其帶入大聯盟後,黑白球員分隔的棒球政策將永遠改寫。
將此舉動稱為棒球的最佳實驗的瑞奇知道,選擇跨越膚色界線 (color
line) 的球員,必須是一個經得起大眾嚴密監視,及在遭遇污辱及敵意時,能避免衝突發生的堅強個體。傑基‧羅賓森是一個極佳的運動員。
利用待在小聯盟的一年,他努力加強其棒球技巧。1947年4月時,他穿上了他的第一件道奇隊制服 (背號42)。
In 1945, baseball policies separating black and white players changed forever when Brooklyn Dodgers general manager Branch Rickey signed a contract with Jackie Robinson that would bring him into the major leagues. Rickey, who called the move baseball's "great experiment," knew that the player chosen to cross the "color line" would have to be a strong individual, able to stand up to intense public observation and also be able to avoid confrontation even when met with insults and hostility. Jackie Robinson was an excellent athlete. In college, he competed in baseball, football, basketball, and track. He was also involved in civil rights and he had served in the Army. On October 23, 1945, Robinson officially signed his contract with the Dodgers. After a year on a minor league team to sharpen his skills, he put on his first Dodgers uniform (number 42) in April 1947.
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