
身穿堪薩斯城市帝王隊 (Kansas
City Monarchs) 制服的

傑基‧羅賓森 (Jackie
Robinson) 打破膚色界線
美國在19世紀晚期,生活中有許多種族隔離政策,棒球也不例外。因為黑人不可以參加白人的職業隊伍。所以有專供黑人球員參加的職業隊伍;在1800年代後期,職業的非洲籍美國人球員只能在全為黑人的隊伍內打球,如:古巴巨人隊 (Cuban
Giants) 。但是某些大聯盟隊伍的棒球經理和擁有者,想要僱用非洲籍美國人。
為了要規避規則,他們把一些黑人球員列為西班牙籍 (Hispanic) 或美國原住民 (Native
American) 。
但1945年時,一個天才型的年輕球員傑基‧羅賓森 (Jackie
Robinson) 加入了美國黑人聯盟 (Negro
American League) 的堪薩斯城市帝王隊 (Kansas
City Monarchs) ;他成為
了棒球的最佳實驗 (great
experiment) 。
As with many aspects of life in late-19th century America, baseball was segregated. There were separate teams for black players because they were not allowed to play on white professional teams. In the late 1800s, professional African American players played on all-black teams such as the Cuban Giants. But some baseball managers and owners of Major League teams wanted to hire African Americans. In order to get around the rules, they listed some black players as Hispanic or Native American. Baseball remained a segregated sport well into the 1940s. In 1945, a talented young player named Jackie Robinson joined the Kansas City Monarchs in the Negro American League. He would become baseball's "great experiment."
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