
在電影傑基羅賓森的故事 (The
Jackie Robinson Story) 中,傑基飾演他本人,而華生 (Minor
Watson) 飾演道奇隊 (Dodgers) 的總裁瑞奇 (
Branch Rickey) 1950年

傑基‧羅賓森 (Jackie
Robinson) 打破膚色界線
球迷及球員對羅賓森的反應呈現兩極化,有人狂熱、喜愛,也有人充滿敵意,甚而以死亡相脅;然而,無人能否認他的棒球天份,而且在1947年時,他嬴得了敬意和第一個年度新人獎 (Rookie
of the Year) ;1949年時,他嬴得了國家聯盟最有價值球員獎 (National
League's Most Valuable Player) ,以平均打點0.342及37次的盜壘記錄領先聯盟中的其他球員;在棒球場外,他的生平被編寫成歌及拍成電影;羅賓森甚至在電影-傑基羅賓森的故事 (The
Jackie Robinson Story) 中飾演他本人;電影在1950年上映,這也是第一部描寫黑人為美國英雄的電影;羅賓森參加完1956年的球季後,自棒球賽場上退休;在當時的年代,他是一個傳奇人物;1962年,他正式入選國家棒球名人堂 (National
Baseball Hall of Fame) 。
Reaction to Robinson from baseball fans and players ranged from enthusiasm and joy to hostility and death threats. However, his talent on the field could not be denied, and he won respect as well as the first Rookie of the Year award in 1947. In 1949, he won the National League's Most Valuable Player award, leading the league with a .342 batting average and 37 stolen bases. Off the field, he was the subject of everything from songs to a feature-length film about his life. Robinson even starred as himself in the movie, "The Jackie Robinson Story." Released in 1950, it was one of the first films to portray a black man as an American hero. Robinson retired from baseball after the 1956 season. A legend even in his day, he was elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame in 1962, his first year of eligibility.
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