

職業高爾夫球選手凱西‧惠特沃茲 (Kathy
Whitworth) 出生
惠特沃茲在15歲的時候就開始打高爾夫球。她在19的時候加入女子職業高爾夫球協會 (Ladies
Professional Golf Association,LPGA) 舉辦的巡迴賽。在之後的15年間,凱西共贏得7次年度最佳球員獎。美聯社 (Associated
Press) 也分別在1965年與1967年把凱西列為年度最佳運動員。高爾夫雜誌 (Golf
Magazine) 也稱凱西為「十年內的最佳高爾夫球選手」,以表揚她從1968年至1977年間頂尖的球技演出。惠特沃茲在1975年獲選進入女子職業高爾夫球協會名人堂。在那個時候,凱西正和其他夥伴協助讓女性高爾夫球選手得到更多認同,以及更優渥的獎金補助。
Whitworth started playing golf at the age of 15. At 19, she joined the Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) Tour. Over the next 15 years, she received the LPGA Player of the Year Award seven times. In 1965, and again in 1967, the Associated Press named her Athlete of the Year. Golf Magazine called her "Golfer of the Decade" for her outstanding performance between 1968 and 1977. And in 1975, Whitworth was inducted into the LPGA Hall of Fame. During that time she also worked with her peers to help women golfers gain greater recognition and financial rewards.
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