

職業高爾夫球選手凱西‧惠特沃茲 (Kathy
Whitworth) 出生
你是不是對老虎‧伍茲精湛的球技感到讚嘆不已呢?不過如果跟凱西‧惠特沃茲相比,伍茲還有一大段路要走呢。凱西一直都是職業高爾夫球巡迴賽的冠軍,沒有人曾經擊敗她。她於1939年9月27日出生在德州的莫那罕斯 (Monahans) ,並且在1962年時參加「凱麗女子公開賽」 (Kelly
Girl Open) ,贏得第一座巡迴賽冠軍。西元1985年,凱西贏得了第88座巡迴賽勝利的獎項,創造了職業高爾夫球選手的勝利記錄 (這是男、女選手共同的紀錄) 。想當然爾,凱西的球從來都沒有接近過沙坑,而凱西所享有的榮耀,更是崇高至上。
Have you been following the spectacular golfing career of Tiger Woods? Well, he's got a big task ahead of him to match the achievement of Kathy Whitworth, professional golf's all-time leading tournament winner. Born September 27, 1939, in Monahans, Texas, Kathy Whitworth won her first tournament, the Kelly Girl Open, in 1962. In 1985, she won her 88th, setting the tournament victory record for a professional golfer--man or woman. She sure stayed out of sand traps! And her honors go well beyond that.
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