

職業高爾夫球選手凱西‧惠特沃茲 (Kathy
Whitworth) 出生
惠特沃茲一直到現在都還在球場上繼續打球,不過她現在的焦點已經放在協助改善其他女性選手的球技。高爾夫球在1890年代中期,是專屬於有特權的美國女性的運動。在那個時候,不同社會階層的女性發現打高爾夫球是從事運動的機會之一。到了1920年代,當婦女取得投票權之後,她們開始舉辦業餘巡迴賽。在1940年代與1950年代間,許多偉大的女性高爾夫球選手,例如蓓比‧迪得瑞克森‧札哈利亞斯 (Babe
Didrikson Zaharias) 等人,都已經開始參加巡迴賽,並且推廣高爾夫球運動,讓所有種族的婦女及各個階層的人民都能夠接觸這項運動。現在,因為有凱麗‧韋伯 (Karrie
Webb) 與老虎‧伍茲等人的推動,高爾夫已經比以前更受到大家歡迎了。選一間俱樂部,試著揮桿吧!讓開!前面當心!
And Whitworth is still on the course today, though her focus is on helping other women master the game that privileged American women first tried in the mid-1890s. Then, women of social status found the adventure and challenge of golf as an opportunity to engage in sport. In the 1920s, after women championed the suffrage movement and gained the right to vote, women began playing in amateur tournaments. In the 1940s and 1950s, golfing greats such as Babe Didrikson Zaharias started the LPGA tour and tried to make the sport more accessible to women of all races and social classes. With new super champions today such as Karrie Webb and Tiger Woods, golf is more popular than ever. Why not pick up a club and try a swing. Fore!
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