

在3月19日那封較早的信件裡,華盛頓詳細描述圍困波士頓的情形:他佔領了朵切斯特高地 (Dorchester
Heights) 的一處制高點,也就是在英國掌控的城市上方,他並對著城市與港口發射大砲。英國軍隊立即撤退。華盛頓不敢相信這些士兵在失敗撤退後,還留在港口的艦艇上不願意離開。他在3月24日的那封信中,表達他的「驚訝與失望」,因為英國船艦仍然不停的製造麻煩。他準備強力防衛這個城市,以防英軍再次返回。
In an earlier letter on March 19, Washington described in detail his siege of Boston: He took over a good, high position on Dorchester Heights, above the British-held city, and fired cannons on the city and harbor. The British troops evacuated. Washington couldn't believe that they still remained on their ships in the harbor after their defeat. He wrote the March 24 letter, expressing his "surprise and disappointment" that the fleet was still causing trouble. He prepared a strong defense of the town just in case they should return.
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