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Jump Back in Time 獨立戰爭期間 (1764-1789)
Portrait of George Washington.喬治華盛頓:他是將軍、總統,也是一個寫信者

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華盛頓在福特山丘 (Fort Hill) 這個面對海洋的高地部屬軍力,如此就「會對任何想要派遣軍艦進攻城市的敵人造成相當大的困擾,並且讓敵軍無法輕易的登陸,只要不是太難對付。」大陸會議授與華盛頓金質勳章,並回信感謝他奪回波士頓。 


Washington armed Fort Hill, another high ground facing the water, so that it "will greatly annoy any Fleet the Enemy may send against the Town, and render the Landing of their Troops exceedingly difficult, If not Impracticable." The Continental Congress gave Washington a gold medal and a letter of thanks for capturing Boston.

Washington wrote back with his thanks and also declared his devotion to the American people. Because of Washington's letters, we know all this about him and the siege of Boston.

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