

你可以從閱讀舊信件中學到許多事情。那些對美國歷史有興趣的美國人很幸運,因為喬治‧華盛頓是一個很聰明,同時也經常寫信的人。在1776年3月24日,喬治‧華盛頓寫了一封信給大陸會議 (這是美國獨立革命期間的政府機關) 。在這封信裡,他提到他如何使波士頓市安全而不再受到英國人未來的攻擊。但是,英國艦艇卻不願意離開波士頓港。這是他針對波士頓受到的攻擊,而寫給大陸會議的第二封信。
You can learn a lot from reading old letters. Fortunately for Americans interested in the country's early history, George Washington was a talented and frequent letter writer. On March 24, 1776, General Washington wrote a letter to the Continental Congress (the governing body of the American revolutionaries). In it, he described how he had made the city of Boston safe from future attack by the British, but that the mischievous British fleet would not leave the Boston harbor. It was his second letter to Congress about the attack on Boston.
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