

湯瑪士‧伍德羅‧威爾遜 (Thomas
Woodrow Wilson) 出生
在外交政策之上,威爾遜也面臨了自亞伯拉罕‧林肯總統之後最嚴厲的挑戰。美國究竟是否要投入第一次世界大戰的問題,嚴格檢驗了威爾遜的領導能力。一開始,威爾遜其實不願意派兵到海外參加戰爭,但是他卻感受到越來越大的壓力。在1917年4月6日,美國對德國宣戰。不到一年的時間,在1918年的1月8日,威爾遜提出了有名的「十四點原則」 (Fourteen
Points) 演說,向全世界提出了成立「國際聯盟」 (League
of Nations) 的構想。這個國際組織的目的是在維持世界和平。威爾遜不屈不撓地推動這個構想,而因為美國軍隊的加入,戰爭也在1918年提早結束了。
In foreign policy, Wilson faced a greater challenge than any president since Abraham Lincoln. Deciding whether or not to involve the U.S. in World War I severely tested his leadership. Initially reluctant to send soldiers overseas, Wilson met increased pressure. On April 6, 1917, the United States went to war with Germany. Less than a year later, on January 8, 1918, Wilson made his famous "Fourteen Points" address, introducing the idea of a League of Nations. The purpose of the international organization was to preserve peace. Wilson promoted his plan tirelessly, as U.S. troops contributed to an earlier than expected cease-fire in 1918.
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