湯瑪士‧伍德羅‧威爾遜 (Thomas
Woodrow Wilson) 出生
因為他的努力,威爾遜得到了1919年的諾貝爾和平獎,但是對他而言,這卻是苦樂參半的。因為國會反對美國加入國際聯盟。因為競選期間的壓力,以及對國會決議案的阻撓感到失望,威爾遜回到華盛頓之後,整個人身心俱疲。不久之後,他還得到血管拴塞的疾病,整個人的左半身都無法自由行動。威爾遜的第二任妻子愛迪思‧寶琳‧蓋特‧威爾遜 (Edith
Bolling Galt Wilson) 在他生病之後,仍然在白宮服務,兩人都在1921年退休。威爾遜於三年之後去世,各界都以不同方式對他表示追憶,包括放映他在紐約帶領支持「自由公債」 (Liberty
Loan) 遊行時的一系列影片。讓我們一起來看看。
For his efforts, Wilson was awarded the 1919 Nobel Peace Prize, but the award was bittersweet. Congress opposed U.S. entry into the League. The strain of his campaigning and the disappointment of Congress's resolution weakened him. He returned to Washington in a state of collapse and shortly suffered a thrombosis (a blood clot in a blood vessel) that impaired control over the left side of his body. Wilson and his second wife, Edith Bolling Galt Wilson--who continued work in the White House when Wilson was ill--retired in Washington, D.C., in 1921. Wilson died three years later, and he is memorialized in many ways, including this 1918 footage of the president in a New York parade encouraging Americans to participate in Liberty Loans to support the war effort. Take a look.
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