

湯瑪士‧伍德羅‧威爾遜 (Thomas
Woodrow Wilson) 出生
有關女性投票權的議題從威爾遜上任之初就開始發酵。當時「全國婦女黨」 (National
Women』s Party) 在威爾遜就職的前一天,於華盛頓特區舉辦了一場投票權大遊行。這場遊行吸引了許多原本要欣賞就職活動的群眾,帶領遊行的領隊想要對這位新總統施壓,希望他能夠重視女性投票權的問題。據說,當威爾遜到達的時候,整條街上是空蕩蕩的,連一個歡迎他的人都沒有。後來才有人跟他說,群眾都跑去賓州大道看遊行了。後來到了1920年,在威爾遜第二任總統任期結束之前,他和國會一致通過美國憲法第19號修正案,賦予婦女投票的權利。
The issue of women's suffrage (right to vote) confronted Wilson right from the start. The National Women's Party organized a suffrage parade in Washington, D.C., the day before Wilson's inauguration. Drawing away the crowds from inaugural events, leaders hoped to put pressure on the new president to pay attention to women's rights. It is said that when Wilson arrived in town he found the streets empty, instead of full with welcoming crowds, and was told that everyone was on Pennsylvania Avenue watching the parade. Before the end of his second term in 1920, Wilson and Congress approved the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote.
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