湯瑪士‧伍德羅‧威爾遜 (Thomas
Woodrow Wilson) 出生
「他是美國歷史上最偉大的總統之一。」伍德羅‧威爾遜學院的拉比‧史蒂芬‧威斯 (Rabbi
Stephen A. Wise) 這樣認為。湯瑪士‧伍德羅‧威爾遜於1856年12月28日在維吉尼亞州的史坦頓 (Staunton) 出生。他本來是一個大學教授,後來成為普林斯頓大學的校長,然後在1910年被選為紐澤西州的州長。兩年之後,他成為民主黨的總統候選人,並且贏得選舉。威爾遜從1913年到1921年擔任美國總統,他是美國的第28任總統,並連任成功。在他的任內,威爾遜面臨許多來自國內、外的挑戰,但他還是勇敢的解決這些問題。
"He is one of the great presidents of American history," said Rabbi Stephen A. Wise of Woodrow Wilson. Born on December 28, 1856, in Staunton, Virginia, Thomas Woodrow Wilson started his career as a university professor. He went on to serve as president of Princeton University and then as governor of New Jersey in 1910. Two years later, he ran for president on the Democratic ticket and won. Wilson became the 28th president of the United States, serving two consecutive terms in the White House, from 1913 to 1921. During his time in office, Wilson faced many challenges at home and abroad, and face them he did.
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