
塔夫脫總統於1911年在維吉尼亞的馬那薩斯法院 (Manassas
Court House) 演講

美國總統與最高法院首席法官威廉‧豪沃‧塔夫脫 (William
Howard Taft) 出生
(William McKinley)指派塔夫脫到菲律賓成立一個文官政府。美國是在1898年美西戰爭即將開始時,佔領了這個島國。塔夫脫於是擔任菲律賓第一位文人統治者。西奧朵‧羅斯福總統 (Theodore
Roosevelt) 後來在1904年任命塔夫脫擔任戰爭部部長一職,和他的父親擔任同一職位。當受到眾人歡迎與深具影響力的政治家老羅斯福 (Teddy
Roosevelt) 準備從總統一職退休時,他提名塔夫脫作為下一任的共和黨總統候選人。
In 1900, President William McKinley appointed Taft to organize a civilian government in the Philippines. The U.S. had taken possession of this island nation at the close of the Spanish-American War in 1898. Taft served as the first non-military governor of the Philippines. President Theodore Roosevelt named Taft secretary of war in 1904, like his father. When Teddy Roosevelt prepared to retire his presidency, this popular and influential politician promoted Taft as the next Republican president.
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