

美國總統與最高法院首席法官威廉‧豪沃‧塔夫脫 (William
Howard Taft) 出生
塔夫脫在1908年贏得選舉,成為美國第27任總統。後來,他從1921年到1930年擔任美國最高法院的首席法官。為了讓法院的運作更有效率,他也協助通過了1925年「法官法案」 (Judges
Act) ,使最高法院能夠優先審理具國家重要性的案子。到了1938年,也就是塔夫脫退休後8年後,他的兒子羅伯特‧塔夫脫 (Robert
A. Taft) 被選為參議員,並且連任至1953年去世為止。你知道美國政治史上還有哪些著名的家族政治人物?
Taft was elected president in 1908, serving one term. Later, from 1921 until 1930, Taft served his country as chief justice of the Supreme Court. In an effort to make the court work more efficiently, he helped to pass the 1925 Judges Act, enabling the Supreme Court to give priority to cases of national importance. In 1938, only eight years after Taft retired from the court, his son, Robert A. Taft, was elected to the Senate and stayed until he died in 1953. Do you know any other famous families in American politics?
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