美國總統與最高法院首席法官威廉‧豪沃‧塔夫脫 (William
Howard Taft) 出生
你知道有時候同一家人會從事相同的職業嗎?威廉‧豪沃‧塔夫脫 (William
Howard Taft) 的父親是一個政治家,而他的兒子也理所當然成為政治家。曾經擔任過美國總統與最高法院首席法官的威廉‧豪沃‧塔夫脫於1857年9月15日出生在俄亥俄州的辛辛那提市。他的父親是一個著名的共和黨員,曾經在格蘭特總統在位時擔任「戰爭部部長」。小塔夫脫後來自然也擔任過這個職位。他的政治生涯開始於俄亥俄州,後來在1880年成為一個律師。
Do you think careers sometimes run in a family? William Howard Taft's father was a politician and his son would be too. Taft, United States president and chief justice of the Supreme Court, was born on September 15, 1857, in Cincinnati, Ohio. His father, a prominent Republican, served as secretary of war under President Ulysses S. Grant. The younger Taft would eventually fill the same position. He started his political career in Ohio, shortly after becoming a lawyer in 1880.
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