伊萊亞.佩利許.洛夫喬伊 (Elijah
Parish Lovejoy) 被一群支持奴隸制度的暴民所殺
在1837年,洛夫喬伊大聲疾呼要求立即釋放所有奴隸。當報紙的全國發行量增加的時候,當地某些看到洛夫喬伊報導的蓄奴者感到相當憤怒。因為奴隸議題而引發的暴動事件越來越多,有幾次還毀壞了洛夫喬伊的報社。作為一個丈夫與父親,洛夫喬伊擔心家人的安危,所以全家搬到沒有蓄奴問題的伊利諾州的阿頓市 (Alton) ,希望能讓暴民的怒火冷靜下來。但是,當新的一期報紙於1837年11月出版後,暴力事件又開始增加了。
By 1837, Lovejoy called for immediate universal emancipation (complete freedom from slavery). While national circulation of the paper increased, locals who supported slavery became angry. Mob violence increased over the slavery issue, several times destroying Lovejoy's presses. As a husband and father, Lovejoy feared for his family's safety, so they moved to Alton, in the free state of Illinois, hoping to cool the fires. When a new press arrived in November 1837, violence escalated.
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