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Declaration of the Anti-Slavery Convention, 1833
有些廢奴主義者,例如洛夫喬伊,曾經參加1833年的「反奴隸制度宣言大會」 (Declaration of the  Anti-Slavery Convention)

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伊萊亞.佩利許.洛夫喬伊 (Elijah Parish Lovejoy) 被一群支持奴隸制度的暴民所殺


No sooner was the press off-loaded from the steamboat than a drunken mob formed and tried to set fire to the warehouse where it was stored. When Lovejoy ran out to push them away, someone shot him. Throughout the North and West, more people joined anti-slavery societies following Lovejoy's death. Officials in Illinois said almost nothing about the incident, with the exception of a young state representative named Abraham Lincoln, who spoke out against the crime.
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