珍妮‧林德 (Jenny
Lind) 在紐約市首度於美國登台
雖然當時沒有廣播與音樂電視台 (MTV) 的幫助,但是林德卻還是很熱門的歌手。許多新編的舞步也以她的名字命名。如果你活在那個時代,你和你的朋友可能就會跳「珍妮‧林德波爾卡舞」,或者是「珍妮‧林德華爾滋方舞」等舞步;如果不是在跳舞,你可能就是在學她的唱腔,就像你現在模仿流行歌手的唱腔一樣。
By the time of Lind's American debut, she had already changed from opera singer to recitalist and included many popular songs in her performance.
Even without the benefit of radio and MTV, Lind was a hit. New dances were choreographed and named after her. If you were alive then, you and your friends could dance the "Jenny Lind Polka" or the "Jenny Lind's Set of Waltz Quadrilles" (square dances). When you were not dancing, you would probably be trying to sing exactly as she did, just as you do with your favorite singers today.
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