珍妮‧林德 (Jenny
Lind) 在紐約市首度於美國登台
你最喜歡的女歌手是誰呢?如果你活在18世紀,你可能會說:「當然是有瑞典夜鶯之稱的珍妮‧林德。」林德有著美麗的歌聲與自然的唱腔,在美洲與歐洲都很有名。她第一次在美國表演,是於1980年9月11日在紐約的城堡花園戲劇院 (Castle
Garden Theater) 。
Who is your favorite female vocalist? If you lived in the 1800s, you might have said, "Jenny Lind, the Swedish Nightingale." Lind was known in America and Europe for her beautiful voice and natural singing style. She made her American debut at the Castle Garden Theatre in New York City on September 11, 1850.
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