
維多莉亞女王與威爾斯王子 (Prince
of Wales)

珍妮‧林德 (Jenny
Lind) 在紐約市首度於美國登台
珍妮‧林德於1820年10月6日出生在瑞典的斯德哥爾摩,她的本名叫做喬安娜‧瑪麗亞‧林德 (Johanna
Maria Lind) 。她在斯德哥爾摩第一次公開演唱歌劇時,只有17歲。當她前往美國發展時,歐洲早已經陷入一波「珍妮‧林德熱潮」 (Jenny
Lind Fever) 。就連維多莉亞女王也對她印象深刻。
Jenny Lind was born Johanna Maria Lind on October 6, 1820, in Stockholm, Sweden. She was only 17 years old when she sang in her first opera in Stockholm. Europe was caught with "Jenny Lind fever" by the time she came to America. Even Queen Victoria of England was impressed with her.
"The great event of the evening. . . ," Queen Victoria wrote in her diary on April 22, 1846, "was Jenny Lind's appearance and her complete triumph. She has a most exquisite, powerful, and really quite peculiar voice, so round, soft, and flexible."
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